
Sessions by Track

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Elevate 2021 brings you four tracks on pivotal nonprofit topics. You'll have access to on-demand sessions, live sessions, and hands-on workshops. Attend Elevate 2021 to learn from your fellow nonprofit professionals and luminaries in the sector.

Elevate goes live at 2 PM Central on Feb. 24. The final session will wrap up at 3 PM Central on Feb. 26. Below are all of our sessions (on-demand and live) sorted by track.

Feel free to click through and get to know more about Elevate's excellent content!

The Tracks

The Advocate

Learn about and take action on important issues.

The Mindful Leader

Gain self-awareness to effectively lead.

The Equity Champion

Understand and respond to community needs.

The Innovator

Prepare for the future of the sector.