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What I’ve learned as a Virtual Intern

By Ariel Kaylor posted 11-09-2020 09:09 AM


An internship can take you closer to your dream nonprofit career, help you build life long skills, and increase your professional network. When you land one, whether it’s an in-person or a virtual position, make the most of it!

I was hired on by the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance as their Student Services Intern more than a year ago. I am loving it! Here are the top three tips I've learned that will help you succeed in your virtual internship.


One of the biggest mistakes you can make when starting a remote internship is not asking questions. You may think your questions aren’t important, but they are! As a remote intern, you are not able to pick up on face-to-face cues or office lingo. Plus, you’re learning, so don’t ever hold back. I recommend making a list of questions and going over them during your weekly check-in meeting. It’s also important to know the best way to get in contact with your supervisor for questions that popup throughout the week (for example: text, call, email, Gchat, etc.). 


Being a virtual intern can be challenging because you have to build a sense of community remotely instead of in-person. Make a point to talk to your coworkers and seize opportunities to engage with them on a more personal level. A couple ideas include remote coffee breaks and carving out time during your meetings to catch up on non-work events. You can also add personal touches to your emails and message. Take some time to think about how you are portraying yourself in a personal, yet professional manner. 


I can’t say this enough: build out a weekly schedule and follow it! I make a daily to-do list and block out my work hours on my calendar. Let your supervisor know your hours and how you plan to stay organized. This information will help them plan out your tasks in a way that meets important deadlines and fits your schedule.  

I have had a blast so far at my remote internship. My team is great, our students and customers are great, and I have learned so much. I would definitely recommend a virtual internship to anyone who can get their hands on one! Once you are there, follow these tips I shared to make the most of it. You’ll impress your employer and be one step close to achieving your career goals!


Questions for Ariel or about how an internship experience counts toward your nonprofit experience requirement? Share it below!
