
You can now register to have access to the recorded content. Sessions that weren't recorded, like networking events and the game night, were removed from this schedule.  

February 27, 2024

11:15-11:50 a.m.

Welcome to Elevate: Hear remarks from Nonprofit Leadership Alliance President and Chief Learning Officer Dorothy Norris-Tirrell, Ph.D., ACNP. We'll walk through the Elevate 2024 site and answer your questions.

12-12:50 p.m.

Live Panel: Aligning for Impact: Empowering Staff to Reshape Nonprofit Culture

  • Michelle Flores Vryn, CFRE, Nonprofit Fundraiser + Consultant 
  • Shawna Mitcheltree, CNP, Senior Director of Operations & Service Development, Alliance for Nonprofit Resources, Inc.
  • Allison Quintanilla Plattsmier, Ed.D, DBA, CFRE, ACNP, GPC, CAP, Founder & CEO, AQP Consulting
  • Debbie Roman, CNP, Managing Director, Per Scholas

1-1:50 p.m.

Breakout Sessions: Choose an on-demand session from one of our tracks:

  • Building Strong Organizations: Developing Meaningful Partnerships: Collaboration for Collective Impact, Christiana Tasto, MA, Executive Director, Nonprofit Solutions
  • Fundraising Evolution: Collaborative Fundraising: Making Double (or Triple!) the Impact, Meagan Snyder, CNP, Director of Development, Alliance for Nonprofit Resources, and Zach Carlino, Director of Development, Alliance for Nonprofit Resources
  • Putting People First: Employee Retention and Racial Equity in the Nonprofit Sector, Bessie Alcantara, MSW, Executive Director, Alternatives Inc 

2-3 p.m.

Live Workshop: Navigating the Storm: Strategies for Success in Rapidly Changing and Competitive Fundraising Environments

Mary Gladstone-Highland, CNP, Partner, Spark Group Consulting

3:10-4 p.m.

Live Keynote: Beyond Limits

Carrie Bernans, Hollywood Producer, Actress, and Stuntwoman, Red Sparrow Productions & CB Seed Nonprofit

February 28, 2024

11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Live Workshop: Turning Privilege into Change 

Kyle Sawyer, M.A., CNP, Anti-Oppression Facilitator, AULA and Transformative Solidarity

12:15 p.m.-12:45 p.m.

Breakout Sessions: Choose an on-demand session from one of our tracks:

  • Building Strong Organizations: Leveraging AI in Nonprofit Operations, Miriam Dicks, CCMP, CEO, 180 Management Group 
  • Fundraising Evolution: Tech-Driven Philanthropy: A New Era of Giving and Impact, Carly Rickard, CNP, Chief Development Officer, Logan Health Foundation
  • Putting People First: Courting Gen Z: Understanding Gen Z as Employees, Allison Quintanilla Plattsmier, Ed.D, DBA, CFRE, ACNP, GPC, CAP, Founder & CEO, AQP Consulting

1 p.m.-1:50 p.m.

Live Panel: AI and the Future of Nonprofits

  • Philip Deng, CEO, Grantable
  • Tim Sarrantonio, M.A., Director of Corporate Brand, Neon One

2 p.m.-2:30 p.m.

Breakout Sessions: Choose an on-demand session from one of our tracks!

  • Building Strong Organizations: Empowering Impact: Unleashing the Potential of Operational and Strategic Tools in Nonprofit Excellence, Jameson Dixon Jr, Co-Director, New Leaders Council Chicago
  • Building Strong Organizations: Use Me! Utilizing Skilled Based Volunteers through Corporates Partnerships, Jordanya Reeves, CVA, CNP, Corporate Citizenship Associate Manager • ED&A Analytics Strategy, TD Bank
  • Putting People First: Buckets: Leveraging Your Daily Activities to Increase Productivity and Satisfaction When You Don’t Have Time, Alyssa Durfey, MPH, MBA, CNP, Principal Scientist, Dogwood Genomics

February 29

10:30-11:30 a.m.

Live Workshop: Beyond Burnout: Towards Sustainable Nonprofit Jobs

  • Betsy Leondar-Wright, Ph.D. in Sociology, Coordinator, Staffing the Mission Project
  • Gabriel Cabán Cubero, a community organizer in Birmingham Alabama, and a popular education trainer with Staffing the Mission

12-12:45 p.m.

Breakout Sessions: Choose an on-demand session from one of our tracks:

  • Building Strong Organizations: Small Steps or Big Goals: How Your Focus can Change Your Missional Success, Kyle Boehr, CNP, Program Analyst & Logistics Manager, Ability KC
  • Fundraising Evolution: So You Want to Grow Your Corporate Gifts, Scott L. Myers, M.A., CNP, Executive Director, SADD l Students Against Destructive Decisions
  • Putting People First: Talent Strategy for the Scrappy Nonprofit: How to Attract and Keep Talent, Janessa Mondestin, Chief People Strategist, Hire 4 Higher HR Services

1:30-2:30 p.m.

Live Keynote: A Fresh Look at Fundraising: Adjusting Strategies to Today's Reality

Darian Rodriguez Heyman, Founder and CEO, Helping People Help